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Reddit posts

Whether you’re a marketer or content creator, Reddit has become a treasure trove of up to date information on almost anything that it’s often better to start there instead of google. With this zap you can make sure you automatically keep up to date with the latest posts related to whatever you’re interested in without getting lost in the rabbit’s hole in the search - and you'll have everything you need to write your next blog post or video script.

Reddit posts

Reddit + Workflowy

Use this zap

How to use this integration

Whenever there's a new top post to the subreddit of your choice, you'll receive the contents right in your Workflowy account.

  1. Click 'Use this zap'
  2. Connect Reddit to zapier
  3. Specify the event to use for the trigger
  4. Specify the subreddit, user, or search term to monitor
  5. Test the trigger
  6. Connect your Workflowy account (need your api key?)
  7. Set 'Title - Selftext' as the Title and 'Url' as the Note
  8. Test your zap
  9. Publish your zap